Tuesday, June 23

Self-Medication Considerations

My mother-in-law, who was also recently diagnosed with Type 2 Diabetes, was supposed to be arriving from the province tomorrow for my husband's birthday. We received an urgent call from her that she cannot come over anymore because she's experiencing pain in her joints. We are suspecting that her uric acid is above the normal levels. She shrugged it off as something normal for aging people She bought some medicines to alleviate her pain.

Diabetics, like me, can not self-medicate. Our medicines need to have the go signal of our doctors unless we want our blood glucose level to be affected. I have a few trusted branded medication that I can easily take without prescription. Through the years, I have proven that these do little to affect my blood glucose level.

If you do not have special conditions like I have, you can easily refer to resources of Cures for Ailments and be somehow assured that these cures can work well for you. However, take time also to consult a doctor to be more on the safe side.

Be aware of the different cures for ailments by learning from the expert -- Dr Amen of the Amen Clinics. Head over to The Amen Clinic's profile for more information.

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