I'm on my eight month of trying to get slimmer and healthier. I'm just so happy that the results are now more evident. People are starting to notice the change more. I am more confident now with the way I look. I guess it also helped that I taught myself to appreciate who I really am. I am posting pictures so you can see the difference. :)

The last picture was taken a few days ago. Don't I look great?
5 sweet comments:
damn, that's cool! you go, girlfriend!
wow! nice progress and your very attractive. Keep it up girl!
I'm on diet so I totally support you. ^_^
Please do visit my blog. I'm your newest follower ciao!
wow! nice progress and your very attractive. Keep it up girl!
I'm on diet so I totally support you. ^_^
Please do visit my blog. I'm your newest follower ciao!
damn, that's cool! you go, girlfriend!
Hi, Can i ask how much was your blood sugar when you were diagnosed and how much was it now? I just recently found out j am diabetic and I was hoping I can lower it down to the normal level still. Is that even possible? I am so depressed, i'm only 21. Thank you
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