Tuesday, October 9

Stay-at-Home vs Working

I have been thinking about my life lately. Here's my Monday to Friday (except Holidays) routine: I wake up at 5 in the morning, see Daddyjun off to work (sometimes even start the car if he's running late), prepare Rap's baon and breakfast, wake Rap up, dress him up for school, feed him breakfast, see him off to school, take a bath, dress up, and go to work. I teach from 8 until 10 a.m., Break time (that's the time when I eat lunch prepare worksheets, administrative, and accounting work) until 3 p.m., and then teach again until 6 p.m. Go home with Rap. Eat dinner, clean up, and sleep by 8 p.m.. Nine hours of sleep a day ain't bad at all.

Nevertheless, I still get too tired from this routine. I still feel that I don't have time for my self at all. Last year, I had all the time in the world for myself. I get monthly facials, weekly trips to the salon, and daily doses of blogging, Friendster, Multiply, and Neopets. I even had the time to organize our clan's Christmas Party. Don't get me wrong. I AM NOT COMPLAINING. It's just that when I'm tired, I start to miss the time that I had all for myself back then.

After weighing the ups and downs, I realized that what I have now is more fulfilling than what I had in the past. I still have the luxury of being my own boss and getting to balance work and family affairs. It's not about earning money because, frankly, I'm not getting too much out of teaching. It's the feeling of self-worth that I feel today. Today, unlike before, I feel that I am important because a lot of people count on me. That's what matters now.

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