Monday, July 11

Getting Rid of Spam Mail

Often, when we say spam, there are two things that come to mind - luncheon meat and unwanted mail. The first one, I want. The second, nah! I don't mind the spam emails that much because my email clients do a good job in screening unwanted emails. I just check the spam folder monthly to see if there are strays. It's the physical mail spam that ticks me off. I find it a total waste of marketing efforts and precious paper. How I wish there's a similar service to eliminate junk mail here in the Philippines.

Typical spam mail that ends up in my home are those of financial loans, magazine subscriptions, and product fliers. I don't know how they got hold of my address. I have given my contact details to colleagues that I trust, such as PR and marketing people who often send me product samples for review. I'm sure that they don't share my contact details to other people without my consent.

Since I can't do anything about it for now and until we have an anti-junk mail service here in the country, I have thought of these ways to prohibit others from getting my contact details:
  • Shredding bills and other old documents containing my home address.
  • Not giving my complete address in unimportant forms (e.g. supermarket surveys, product registration cards, etc.).
  • Contacting my bank and credit card company to ask them not to share my contact details.
Can you think of anything else to add to this list?

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1 sweet comments:

Glyn said...

We spend huge amounts of money and expend a lot of effort to block SPAM and this is an ever-changing landscape.

How much SPAM do you receive over the phone? Not much I would suspect
and most of the phone calls you get are from people you know or a least
from someone in a company you are familiar with. So it would be much
better to do the same with email instead of trying to block all the
malware email.

Accept email only from people you know and reject everyone else is the
way forward. Whilst this is going to be tricky at the beigining and very
similar to how Fax machines started out – the person with the first one
was only able to talk to himself! Fax machine usage increased once the
concept caught on, so doing the same with secure email will also take
some time to be accepted

Frankly email communication is more of hinderance than an enabler to business because of all the malware.
Do you think it is feasible to corespond only with people you know?